British consultancy study reveals that Brazil, despite high tax rates, have diesel considerably lower cost than most major developed economies. Fill the tank of a van in Brazil costs just under $ 90.00, less than half the cost in Reio Kingdom.
Despite the high tax burden on the various products available to consumers, Brazil has, surprisingly, lower diesel cost than many developed countries, especially in Europe.
The revelation is the result of a study conducted by Ewaider, the international accounting network, auditing and consulting, represented in Brazil by Ewaider Moreira.
According to the consultancy, while the tax on motor fuel is high in Brazil, the real cost of diesel fuel is still considerably lower than in many countries. This means that filling the tank * a Ford Transit van with diesel in Brazil is estimated at US $ 89.60, representing less than half the cost in the UK, where the price of diesel is higher.
To Ewaider, this study reveals the importance of maintaining tight control over the levels of company taxation, especially as the recovery from recession is starting to gain traction. “The fuel taxes are an area where charges are lighter than in many other countries, which is likely to be an important benefit to help stimulate growth and accelerate our recovery. Keep taxes on diesel, for example, a lower level, is particularly beneficial for the rapid growth of small and medium-sized companies and their fleets of commercial vehicles, especially in sectors such as distribution and retail. These companies can be key drivers for economic recovery, “said Eric Waidergorn, director of Ewaider Moreira.
According to Ewaider, most emerging economies have considerably lower levels of taxation on fuel than the developed economies. In Malaysia, the government still offers generous subsidies on fuel.
“Emerging economies are much more focused on growth and assist businesses through tax breaks and subsidies, where it is necessary. The Malaysian economy is one that charges low taxes on consumption in general and focuses on the direct taxation of businesses by means of corporation tax as the key revenue generator, “explains Waidergorn.
These subsidies cost the Malaysian government an estimated $ 14 billion a year. Subsidies have also created problems with fuel smuggling to neighboring China and Indonesia, which have a much higher cost.
“While the Malaysian government loses a lot of money by having a fuel subsidy, it argues that such contribution is to help in the growth of GDP and is willing to accept the loss. This could be a stimulus to the thinking of the Brazilian government, “notes Eric Waidergorn.
(Translated by Google)
Source: FetransPar