Political division gets clearer as covid-19 strikes Brazil
A division in politics between supporters of President, Jair Messias Bolsonaro, and State Governors is going on; related to handling the covid-19 crisis in the Country. Even his former allies are going against the current declarations of Brazilian President that are related to calls that Bolsonaro is doing to the Brazilian people, to actually go back to the streets for the sake of our Economy.
The reality is not actually what has been communicated by the media
In many media vehicles in Brazil and abroad, news are that the President is actually refusing to accept the reality that we are facing a pandemic that might be contained by a complete quarantine. The reality is that Brazil is a country of informal workers that need to go out in order to earn their livelihood. The quarantine will definitely damage the economy and it is also a reality in many countries, Brazil has actually accepted that covid-19 is a problem that has to be dealt with in many areas.

Emergency aid is already being organized to be provided for informal workers
And this is only one of the measures that are already being taken in order to provide help for the Brazilian people. And also make sure that the covid-19 pandemic crisis won’t stop our Economy. Of course, nobody wants the country on its knees and we need to take decisions fast. This is probably why for many, it looks like our politicians don’t really know what to do or even which position to take before an unprecedented event such as the quarantine in our whole country.
Money for emergency help, economical development and health
In Brazil this is probably the first time that our government takes such a decision, many in Brazil are quite happy with the decision. It doesn’t matter if it is not the most perfect and politically correct decisions taken by our politicians. But for many years, Brazilians were expecting that money would be injected in the Economy with the right intent and this is the closest we got, unfortunately in such a situation; but this can be a lesson for the next mandates to many of our rulers.
In this post we talked about many problems that our government authorities are facing, and that despite the disputes, this is the first time in our history we feel that our taxes are being actually applied for the sake of the Brazilian population. And of course, this could be an opportunity for changing our future and probably a reelection of Jair Bolsonaro despite the opposition of the media. Did you like the information we shared? Please don’t forget to comment and also share with all your friends that are interested in Brazilian Economics and Politics.