The world will change

Many specialists in biology, chemistry, virology and other Health related sciences are very clear about one thing, a virus just doesn’t disappear. This can be scary for many, specially those who are considered to be inside the group risk for getting the covid-19 and have serious complications.The governments and many compassionate souls, science authorities, etc. are dedicating efforts, amounts of money and top scientific studies in order to develop ways to solve the covid-19 pandemic. But one thing many of us are already aware, we might never get back to our normal understanding of things and also ways of life as it was before.

New possibilities in the Economy will arise

Independently of how the flow of the consequences of this never seen pandemic will reverberate over the economic system, of one thing we can be sure: we will have to find new ways to relate economically with each other. This means adjust ourselves for the possibility of working on smaller offices or even home offices. A greater amount of responsibility for our social behavior and the consequences that it might have over other people’s lives is arising to awareness of many of us. So this might be a difficult moment, but also a good opportunity for new ideas, and it can mean new ways of doing businesses.

Brazil latest economy news
Possibilities might arise and many will have to be alert for the possibility of doing business at a Home Office.


And yes, it is possible

Many people who never operated inside their homes found that they actually can do it. Not only with Office work that required less paper work and the capacity to work remotely. We can actually deliver food, products that can be sent through the Internet and do many other businesses with our Personal Computers without even leaving our houses. So there are numberless possibilities that can be put into practice in order to continue functioning. Even those who never believed in the Home Office possibility are starting to be creative about it, putting their homes in order or organizing an office at their house. Many restaurants that are not allowed to be opened anymore are starting to sell delivery food and sending it to the houses of their previous customers that would actually go to the place.

We always need a “plan B”

Many people are actually desperate about the covid-19 disease and also because of their businesses and jobs. But occurrences in the reality that might lead us to change our thoughts and the way we are directing our lives are inevitable. The big secret is to be able to adapt to a new reality every time we need, and for that we will need to redirect our plans and thoughts for the future according to a changing materiality. If you can’t do that, for sure you will suffer much more than others that are already changing their ways of live to adapt to this new reality that might take a while to change and our lives might not be the same as it was before covid-19. So the big question is if you are ready to take a different path in your business and, of course, date with the idea that you might have to use online and technological resources to interact with others.


In this article we discussed that even during the time of quarantine there are working options that are totally available even with restrictions. For that you will have to use your creativity and also a possibility to work online will be major for that. Did you like the information shared in this post? Don’t forget to like it and share with all your friends the information that can come as an advise for many in this time of great changes.