Brazil’s largest city is reaching 90% of its Health System capacity

According to, Bruno Covas, current Mayor of São Paulo; public Hospitals might run out of space within the next two weeks. Many are accusing people that are cheating lockdown rules of playing of “Russian roulette” with other people’s lives. The city of São Paulo is one of the places in Brazil with the higher number of casualties caused by the covid-19. So far the metropolis accounts for more than 3,000 deaths and many confirmed cases of the current disease that is causing the greatest crisis we have seen in our generation.

Public transportation is the second greatest cause people are getting infected in Brazil. Mayors in many cities are doing a lockdown of cars, so people are crowding themselves inside public buses to be able to go to work.

Escalating as one of the World most affected countries

Brazil has continental proportions, so the fact of starting to rise the number of cases to higher than most smaller countries is actually expected. Brazilians are actually trying to isolate themselves as much as possible, and many who can’t stay at home and have to go to work daily are taking precautions as wearing masks and social distancing. But in many cities in Brazil as well as in other countries in the World there has been a peak in the number of cases before people start slowly going back to their normal lives. Many countries even with social distancing measures and lockdows are still experiencing cases.This means that even if people are making an effort to create a safer environment, it will be impossible at some point that people get infected. So, blaming one politician or another is not actually a rational option in this case. People got infected, and the virus firstly appeared in China, this is a kind of virus that is easily transmitted through contact, but strains can be flowing through the air.

The only solution so far is to diminish the amount of people infected

Many specialists are defending the hypothesis that the best way to take care of our society right now is to try to diminish the curve of infections as much as possible. This would help Medical Doctors and other Health Professionals to use the respirators and medical supplies available for the care of patients without compromising the capacity of the system. This is true not only to Brazil, but for many countries that are already facing difficulties in dealing with the situation. The United States that is a developed country with a considerably good amount of medical resources is going through one the the most difficult Health Crisis of their History. They are trying to reopen businesses because there has been months since the pandemic started to contaminate many in the USA.

Brazilian latest news
It is not only the USA that is going through a difficult situation right now. Other countries are trying to deal with the amount of cases inside a pandemic that is contaminating fast and their own Health Care System capacity.


Is Brazil expected to start reopening businesses soon?

So far, the situation is spreading from larger cities to smaller ones and this is even more dangerous because there is less structure for Health Care. So we are probably on the peak of the situation right now and, from what we have seen in other countries things might start to get better within the next Weeks. The government is paying an emergency financial help for many that are not able to work currently and many will be able to receive the aid withing the next days. Our economy needs to go back to normal as soon as possible because many are not able to get what is necessary for their own personal needs and of their families. The government is facing difficult time because of the pandemic and the political situation was already in turmoil before all of that.


In this text we talked about the how the largest cities in Brazil are facing the covid-19 pandemic. We are reaching the limit on the capacity of Health Systems in many areas in Brazil so lockdown measures are being taken in many cities in order to try to diminish the amount of infected people. Do you like the information we share here? Don’t forget to like our page on LinkedIn and share this post with all your friends on Social Media.