Many will consider 2020 a difficult year
Not only in the sense that we had to adapt to a new reality. People lost family members or had health issues because of covid-19. But in the midst of all that, folks were able to adapt and an economical crash that was actually expected didn’t happen because Home Office started being adopted. But not only that, many companies were already prepared for a kind of online way of operating. This certainly helped to contain many of the problems related to social restrictions, and businesses wouldn’t be able to take it without it. So in this article, we decided to balance things a little bit, choosing the good and the bad in 2020. After all, let’s be realistic, 2020 was not all good news but there were sparkling moments and positive points.
In this article, we are going to do something very different from what the Ewaider & Co Press team had been doing throughout 2020. We will create a list of some important positive events and also the not so quite that were a reality throughout the year. So, let’s continue on the journey through this article and remember the most important facts for Brazil and abroad.
1 – The covid-19 pandemic
This is certainly the most resounding and worrying event that stricken the World in the current year. The pandemic, despite being fought with many possibly effective vaccines is still a major problem. This is not only because the disease caused by the coronavirus is still closing businesses and affecting families. The whole world basically stopped this year because of this situation that first started to arise in Wuhan (China). This is probably the most important and scary event that happened in 2020, and that also caused problems for Economies all over the World.

2 – Mass migration of businesses employees to Home Office solutions
It was also one of the most important events in 2020 because this has not also helped businesses to keep running. People actually understood that they could work from Home with the same results, basically. Companies were selling all kinds of products online from groceries to clothing, and many had already prepared Websites with excellent systems. Other businesses actually experienced exponential growth with their online businesses because the demands from customers were also bigger. We will talk about the expansion of online businesses, but in this topic specifically, we are discussing the important shift to Home Offices from the traditional shifts inside the Companies. Some have actually stated and made provisions that most of their employees keep working from Home. It means they don’t want to go back to their old ways.
3 – Growth of online and digital businesses during the pandemic
Many digital businesses experienced not a shrink during 2020, but an incredible growth because of the social distancing measures. In this topic, we will talk about some examples that are worth checking and also why such an increase in their business happened.
The case of Amazon
This is certainly the most impressive case, and we have discussed it in more detail in a previous article. Some economical studies have stated that at the beginning of the pandemic, the Company shrank because of some investments necessary. Among such were for the implantation of equipment and laboratories for testing products and shipment. But a bit later, the North American giant started to grow at an impressionable rate! Of course, with the physical shops closed the online sales of products on Amazon started to increase even more than in the previous years.
Microsoft and Apple
We certainly knew that those companies were absolutely giants in the technological sector. Now, this happened because of the increase in the online orders, certainly caused by measures of lockdown restrictions. In the case of Microsoft, the Microsoft Teams App has generated 269.9 billion dollars for the Company in 2020. Still talking about Microsoft, during the pandemic lockdown times in 2020 the Xbox live has been breaking records of players too.
4 – Vaccines production in a short time
This subject is the focus of a lot of polemical opinions, which are also increased by news that people had severe symptoms of rejection. Firstly because vaccines take a long time to be developed, at least traditionally, so many vaccines came also with a lot of distrust from the population in general. Others are using the production of different kinds of vaccines as a source of hope for returning their lives back to normal soon. But the event so far is not so positive because new strains of the coronavirus have been identified in the UK and Africa, for example. So, if there are really different strains that might be resistant to the vaccine, we can already think that new measures have to be taken.
2020 in a nutshell
We have learned how to do our jobs from home, dealing with a new kind of virus against which we have no proper immunity. Many had to adapt their lifestyles, going out less, sometimes only for groceries and pharmacies. But the most important lesson we have learned after staying away from the people we love is their value. Maybe in 2019, we were planning how much money could we make and our kids being out at school for the whole day. Now, somehow, we had also to learn that proximity with people we love is also important, sometimes one single act of care can be much worthy.
In this article, we talked about the year that is now ending. One year that many can consider difficult and that has also though us so many quiet lessons. Did you like our latest post? Don’t forget to subscribe to our LinkedIn page for more interesting Brazilian and international News.
PORTOGENTE. 7 empresas que mais cresceram durante a pandemia. Available at: <>.
EXAME.COM. Examinando: crise para quem? Setores que lucram durante a pandemia. Available at: <>.