Three are approved for use across the USA and the UK
Although some have already been approved not only for use in the population of Israel, USA, UK, and EU Counties, the trials, and manufacturing processes are ongoing. One current example is the Novavax vaccine that is demonstrating to be very promising too. Large-scale trials are occurring and the results are impressive with 89.3% of efficiency against the virus causing the current pandemic in the World. It is important to notice that mutations that currently are causing concern because they are considered to be more transmissible. There are three brands of vaccines against covid-19, that are currently approved: the Moderna, Pfizer, and the one by the Oxford University. In Brazil, the CoronaVac is also being used and was developed in a partnership between the Butantan Institute and Sinovac. We will discuss in this article 6 of the most promising vaccines from all over the world that are showing some promising results.

1 – AstraZeneca by Oxford University
This vaccine is on average, according to the studies carried out, 70% effective against the infection by an analysis that counted with 3 phases. There were trials carried out with this vaccine developed by the administration of 2 dosages of the substance. The first dosage increased the protection against covid-19 with 62% of effectiveness, and the second one showed 90% of efficacy. This has been approved for use in several Counties and currently is part of the Vaccination Program and Projects in many places in the World.

2 – Moderna (mRNA)
Trials have been applied on 30,000 Americans showing a rate of efficacy of almost 95%. Considered one of the most effective vaccines, currently approved. There are some countries that are still expecting the delivery of the vaccine, another challenge for the World in this vaccination process will be the logistics. The capacity of production of the Laboratories involved is not as high as the necessity of so many Counties in the World that needs millions and sometimes billions of dosages.

3 – Pfizer – BioNtech
This is also an mRNA-based vaccine considered to have 94% of efficacy after the final analysis. This vaccine has shown to be very effective especially on elderly people, after 65 years old. This kind of vaccine teaches our immune system to attack the virus by recognizing it after taking the shot. This vaccine is already being applied in many places of the World and like with other types of immunizing systems, we have a production and logistics challenge ahead.

4 – Novavax
This vaccine also has a high rate of efficacy against infections by the coronavirus. The method used is called protein adjuvant or “submit”. But how does it work actually? It will be different from the other systems of vaccines cited above. It works by tricking the human body making the cells manufacture some pieces of the virus and triggering the immune system right away. This could be considered controversial but is already in the later stages of development. Showing actual results, by using the immune system of the body with its rapid capacity of reacting against the virus.

5 – Jansen
This requires one single dosage for immunization and has been recently approved for usage by the FDA. It was developed by Johnson & Johnson with not only mild collateral effects. and showing 85% of efficacy in preventing serious covid-19 cases. There are still studies occurring for checking if a second dosage of the same vaccine will have stronger efficacy. But up to the final of this year, the Company is projecting the production of one billion dosages of the vaccine. With this amount of options, we hope that by the final of the year, much more people will be able to be immunized.
6 – Sputnik V
This kind of vaccine is the common viral vector type that uses a modified version of another virus to send immune responses to the cells This can make the human body respond against covid-19, a threat that for being relatively new is also not present in our immune memory. It is considered one of the most effective vaccines and also went through large-scale studies. This vaccine was developed in a partnership between Russia and Gamaleya National Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology in Moscow.
In this article, we are discussing some of the vaccines already being used on the World’s population, and others in later stages of clinical trials. There are many vaccines that are also in the phase of production and Governments all over the World, are making plans for the rapid vaccination of all the population. Did you like the information shared in this article? Don’t forget to like our posts and share them with all your friends on Social Networks. We also invite you to follow our page on LinkedIn and check more news about international affairs.
SCIENCEFOCUS.COM. COVID-19 vaccine UK: Everything you need to know about the new coronavirus jabs. Available at: <>.
CDC.GOV. Different COVID-19 Vaccines. Available at: <>.