Let us make a sincere reflection about this topic
We are struggling to go back to a normality that was acceptable as the ideal of happiness in our society. Being free to party, relate closely to people, and go back and forth. All of that without masks that seem to make us feel much more humble than we used to be in a very recent past. This is not the only point, now many businesses are getting used to delivery systems and Home Offices schedules. Recent researches, also by Forbes Magazine and other serious press releases, about New York and other major business cities have come up with important results. Big Companies are leaving to other places that are considerably more friendly to businesses. As many entrepreneurs consider that not only NYC but also Los Angeles, San Francisco, and other large American cities are too expensive.
Beyond the masks
Tired eyes beyond the masks used to protect us from the virus that has actually mutated now in many places. It is getting easier to get contaminated and even risking a younger population. They previously were considered stronger, this virus fools our immune system. This is why it is considered strong and is taking the lives of many people, the coronavirus is not considered a threat by our immune system when it comes to contact with our defense cells, and when our body starts to react, will be late for many people. They will need to get to the hospital, even through intubation, and maybe won’t leave alive. It seems that our World was not so well as we thought anyway, some Companies are now changing completely to Home Office. Even demanding the cutting of punishing extremely high taxes that creates such expensive costs that are making them now think of going fully out of those places. Selling online has its difficulties, but with time it seems that the population is adapting. Maybe shopping malls are now considered places where you might interact with people in a way that might be considered not so safe. We probably will have to adapt to a new way of relating, with restrictions until a permanent solution might be found for covid. Vaccines are an actual hope at the moment because they are offering protection against covid variants, and even if he person gets it, the disease will not develop in the most severe forms.
A parade for pharaohs in the Passover holidays
In Brazil, we could consider something so opulent happening during the carnival days. But in the middle of the covid-19 situation in our Country, the holidays were canceled. We are still striving to get enough vaccines and actually being able to get the population vaccinated completely. Recently, the mummified remains of 22 pharaohs were transferred in a royal celebration from the Egyptian Museum up to the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization (which will be their new home). People were able to watch the parade live and even now it is possible to see footage of the impressive transportation of the archeological treasures.
In this article, we are talking about the latest events that were out in this week of Hollydays with decisions from Companies to maybe shift to Home Offices fully. Fewer expenses, more logistics, and maybe our world is not going to go back to where it was in 2019. So we will have to find a way to adapt to it economically and also in our relationships. Did you like our latest post? Don’t forget to follow our LinkedIn page for more interesting worldly news and current events.
DW.COM. Golden Parade: Mummified pharaohs moved to new Cairo home. Available at: <https://www.dw.com/en/golden-parade-mummified-pharaohs-moved-to-new-cairo-home/a-57094353>.
FORBES.COM. Wall Street Banks And Tech Companies Are Fleeing New York And California. Available at: <https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackkelly/2020/12/14/wall-street-banks-and-tech-companies-are-fleeing-new-york-and-california/?sh=180157e3661a>.